~ Subsidised Seed Packs for distressed gardeners~

We know many are struggling with the economic downturn. We've certainly seen our costs go through the roof; due to Brexit it's now really bureacratic and costly to import the seed that is grown for us abroad, so we've had to put some prices up. And fuel prices are making everything difficult for everyone.

We're making a number of heavily-subsidised seed packs to support those who are low-waged/unwaged and financially struggling - and who might otherwise have to give up gardening. We're funding this project using a percentage of other normal seed sales.

The Low-Waged/Unwaged Gardeners Seed Pack - NEW bigger selection coming soon for 2025 season, at the same price!

A selection that are both high-yielding and easy to grow, all chosen for growing without the use of a greenhouse or propogator, so you don't need any expensive kit to succeed. These are some of our best varieties, & exactly the same seeds we have on sale elsewhere on the site, not smaller packs or older seed.

Ideal for beginners and experienced gardeners - gives you lots of food from a small space - and we hope a large amount of gardening pleasure growing them!

What you get (pictures below):

Value is over £30 but we are providing it for way less than half-price: £10.50 ; with the low-waged/unwaged postage option it comes to twelve pounds delivered.


(Limit 1 per person, just 150 released each month) It's up to you to decide if you qualify for this. We are supplying these for individuals who are low-waged/unwaged and struggling financially.


Not low-waged?

This is a really excellent selection of seeds for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Do you want to grow it but aren't financially struggling at the moment?

You can add the same set of seeds to your basket, as individual packets, using the button below, and you'll get the same folded instructions and notes with your packing slip. Your full-price purchase helps subsidise the reduced-cost packs above!

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